The United States Army Europe Woodwind Quintet is the USAREUR Band’s premiere woodwind ensemble. The Woodwind Quintet has performed for balls, recitals, and ceremonies all over the continent, including in Germany, Slovakia, and Bulgaria.
The members of the Woodwind Quintet come from all over the United States, and bring to the group a wealth of performing experience.
The Woodwind Quintet is a small woodwind ensemble that is capable of performing a wide variety of music. They can be featured as the main event, as well as provide background music for military and state functions. The group regularly performs for balls, dinners, receptions, and indoor military ceremonies.
Through a shared commitment to excellence, the members of the Woodwind Quintet embody the greater U.S. Army Music programs’ mission:
[To] provide music throughout the spectrum of military operations to instill in our soldiers the will to fight and win, foster the support of our citizens, and promote our national interests at home and abroad
If you would like to request a performance by the U.S. Army Europe Woodwind Quintet, contact us today.